Troop 377 Summer Camp Chawanakee


07/28/2019 - 08/03/2019    
12:00 AM


Bookings closed


Camp Chawanakee
43485 Dinkey Creek Rd, Shaver Lake, CA, 93664
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Camp Chawanakee for troop 377



Celebrating 72 Years of Service in 2019
Welcome to the pride of the Sequoia Council, Camp Chawanakee. This historic camp was founded on Shaver Lake in 1946 by a grant from the federal government, the Civilian Conservation Corps and Southern California Edison Power Company, and opened in 1947. Camp Chawanakee has grown from a capacity of 100 Scouts and no facilities to today’s 4,400 Scouts and Scouters with complete array of permanent, up-to-date facilities.

Camp Chawanakee operates nine one-week sessions during the summer season from June to August, accommodating 500+ Scouts and adults in 23 campsites, along with a family camping area nearby.

Camp Chawanakee offers opportunities for Scouts to develop their unit and personal programs in a concentrated, full-time achievement environment. We offer the Trail to First Class program for new and junior scouts, as well as the opportunity for Scouts to earn their choice of over 40 merit badges.

For the more accomplished Scouts we offer the Trails of Chawanakee, the 52′ climbing tower, rifle and shotgun shooting, sail boating, the C.O.P.E. course and overnight adventure outings.



Bookings are currently closed for this event. Please contact the event manager if you have any questions.